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Three County CoC Documents



CoC Program Charters

Here you can find the Governance Charter and the HMIS Charter.


Coordinated Entry Documents 

Here you can find the Coordinated Entry Written Standards, the Case Conferencing Privacy Agreement, and the Coordinated Entry Assessment Tool and Companion Guide. There are also documents specifically centered on Youth/Young Adult homelessness: YYA Coordinated Entry Prioritization, YYA System Flow, and YYA Homelessness Definitions. 


Defining and Documenting Chronic Homelessness

Here you can find the CoC's Homeless Verification and Training Binder. This includes resources on defining homelessness per HUD's standards, and whatever else. 


Program Participant Documents

Here you can find the forms that must be completed to enroll a client, as well as a list of what is necessary to include in a client's file. Additional information about each document is on the page. 


Subrecipient Documents

Here you can find the CoC's Subrecipient Policies and Procedures Manual, an example of a rent roll, the Billing Form cover page, the forms the CoC uses in the annual site monitoring process, and the Notification forms projects must submit to the CoC if things change with their participants. 


HMIS Documents

Here you can find the Three County CoC's Data Agreement and Release, the Data Collection Notice, a template for a Privacy Notice, the HMIS New User Request Form, the Workstation Privacy and Security Checklist, the CoC's Privacy and Security Plan, and the APR Submission Process. 


COVID-19 Documents​


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