Connecting to the CE System
For someone in need of emergency shelter, a current list can be found here.
Many service providers throughout Berkshire, Franklin, and Hampshire County are connected to and can make referrals to the Coordinated Entry System (CE). Certain service providers are trained to conduct CE Vulnerability Assessments (these have an asterisk next to their name with contact information further down); other services providers can make referrals to those agencies. See below for a list of CE partner agencies.
Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority*
Central Hampshire Veterans Services*
Clinical & Support Options (CSO)*
Community Action Pioneer Valley
Out of these CE Partners, some are trained to conduct CE Vulnerability Assessments.
Below is list of those agencies and how to connect.
Berkshire County - Regional Assessors
Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority call (413) 443-7138
Eliot CHS For those who are unable to access shelters and/or resource centers staff contact: Andy Klatka
Louison House call (413) 663-6323
ServiceNet, Inc. St. Joe's Emergency Shelter (413) 320-6550
Soldier On call (413) 236-5644 (Veterans)
Franklin County - Regional Assessors
Cooley Dickinson (A Positive Place) call (413) 586-8288
DIAL/SELF, Inc. For (youth and young adults) contact: Kianna Clarke, Franklin County Case Manager, (413)774-7054 ext 103,
Eliot CHS For those who are unable to access shelters and/or resource centers staff contact: Andy Klatka
ServiceNet, Inc. Wells Street Shelter and Franklin Resource Center, call 413-772-6100, press 2
Soldier On call (413) 582-3075 (Veterans)
Hampshire County - Regional Assessors
Cooley Dickinson (A Positive Place) call (413) 586-8288
DIAL/SELF, Inc. For (youth and young adults) contact: Thea Post, Hampshire County Case Manager, (413)774-7054 ext 130,
Eliot CHS For those who are unable to access shelters and/or resource centers staff contact: Jay Levy
ServiceNet, Inc. Grove Street Street Shelter and Hampshire Resource Center, call 413-587-7555
Soldier On call (413) 582-3075 (Veterans)
Central Hampshire Veteran's Services Call (413)587-1299 or email
Clinical & Support Options (CSO) Contact: William Winslow, (413) 582-0471 ext 5059,
Case Conferencing
The Three County CoC holds case conferencing with local service providers doing outreach and providing shelter to people experiencing homelessness. These meetings are conducted to provide an individualized & equitable approach for access to resources and housing for this vulnerable population. Partners conduct vulnerability assessments with community members who are identified for the coordinated entry system.
Case Conferencing Goals
To ensure holistic, equitable, coordinated, and integrated assistance across providers for all households experiencing homelessness in the community, with particular focus on those on the By Name List or being prioritized for housing within the Coordinated Entry Process.
To address shelter and diversion needs.
To review progress and specific housing barriers related to individual households housing goals, desires and matching considerations.
To allow for a transparent, open forum to discuss client information relevant to their housing needs that may need to inform prioritization level or other matching considerations.
To identify systemic barriers to certain subpopulations, particularly historically disadvantaged populations, gaining access to services in order to further enhance the community’s effort to promote equity across the system.
To clarify roles and responsibilities and reduce duplication of services.
Here is the current Case Conferencing schedule (all meetings are held on Zoom):
Youth and Young Adult (all 3 counties)- every other Tuesday from 2:00-3:00pm.
Franklin/Hampshire - every other week on Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00pm.
Berkshire - every other Wednesday from 2:00-3:00pm.
Veterans (all 3 counties)- the last Friday of the month from 12:00-1:00pm.
Domestic Violence (all 3 counties)-the second Tuesday of the month from 1:00-2:00pm.
Note: The Three County Coordinated Entry System was evaluated in 2022 by C4 Innovations as a partnership with the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance for racial equity and disparities. Here are the results & findings/recommendations. The CoC is committed to addressing racial disparities in our system and homelessness response.
2019/2020 Annual Coordinated Entry Evaluation
For more information about the Three County CoC Coordinated Entry system, please email Shaundell.