FY24 Continuum of Care
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
The Three County CoC (MA-507) FY24 Consolidated Application and Priority Listing are complete and available to view here:​
FY24 CoC Approved Consolidated Application
FY24 CoC Approved Priority Listing
The Three County CoC FY24 Local Competition Selection Results are now available and can be found below. For a downloadable Excel version, please click here.
The Three County CoC FY24-FY25 RFP *updated* is now available!
Applications are due to Community Action Pioneer Valley by September 27th.
Appendix A - 2024 Three County CoC Renewal Project Outcomes, Measures, & Scoring Tool
Appendix B - New Project Scoring & Ranking 2024-2025 *updated*
Appendix F - Three County CoC New Project Threshold and Application 2024-2025 (pdf)

The FY24 NOFO was released on July 31 and is due by October 30. $3.52 billion (an increase of $390 million from FY23) is available to apply for.
For the first time in CoC history, all 2024 grants will be automatically renewed in 2025 (with accompanying FMR increases).
Additionally, HUD will make cost of living adjustments to Supportive Services and HMIS budget lines!
$52 million is available for projects that serve individuals fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence (these are referred to as DV Bonus funds).
CoCs are asked to describe how they are implementing specific strategies to prevent the criminalization of homelessness within their geographic area
A new policy priority has been included: Building an Effective Workforce
This joins the list of Ending Homelessness for All; Housing First; Reducing Unsheltered Homelessness; Improve System Performance (esp. in project review, ranking, and selection process); Partnering with Housing, Health, and Service Agencies; Racial Equity; Improving Assistance to LGBTQ+ Individuals; Persons with Lived Experience (PLE); and Increasing Affordable Housing Supply​
CoC Timeline
On August 28th, the CoC will release its RFP. Applications will be due by September 27th.
The CoC will hold Bidder's Conferences on September 5th and September 11th.
"Office Hours" will be held on September 13th, September 20th, and September 25th.
Projects will be notified on October 11th if they have been approved, rejected, or had a reduction in funding.
On October 21st the CoC will post Board-approved final project ranking.
And finally, the CoC will post the completed application on October 23rd!