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CoC NOFO and Applications


Current NOFO Cycle

The FY24-25 NOFO was released on July 31, 2024. See here for the detailed page.


Notice Of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

After enactment of the annual appropriations act for the fiscal year, HUD will use a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The NOFO is a notice published by HUD each year and establishes the funding criteria for the next Fiscal Year (FY) of the CoC Program. The notice describes the type of funding available on a competitive basis and provides contact information as to where an application may be submitted by the Collaborative Applicant. Typically, the Consolidated Application is to be submitted 60-90 days from the date of the NOFO publication.

For official HUD releases specific to the current CoC Program Competition cycle, visit the HUD Exchange.

Consolidated Application

The Consolidated Application is made up of two parts: the CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listing, with all of the CoC’s project applications either approved, ranked, or rejected. The Collaborative Applicant is responsible for submitting both the CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listing in order for the CoC Consolidated Application to be considered complete.


All applications to HUD must be submitted at such a time and in such a manger as HUD may require, and contain such information as HUD determines necessary. The Three County CoC is the sole recipient of funding awards and therefore all applicants must submit their applications to the Three County CoC by a date established by the CoC within the RFP. Subrecipients applying for renewal of an existing CoC project will submit a renewal application. New applicants for CoC funding will submit a new project application. At a minimum, subrecipient applications must contain a description of the project; a description of the subpopulations of homeless or at risk of homelessness to be served by the project; the number of units and/or the number of persons to be served by each project; a budget request by project; and reasonable assurance that the subrecipient will own or have control of a site for the proposed project not later than the expiration of the 12-month period beginning upon notification of an award for grant assistance.

Previous CoC applications from CAPV as the Collaborative Applicant

FY23 Request for Proposals and Project Priority Listing.

FY22 Request for Proposals, Project Priority Listing, and CoC Application.

FY21 Request for Proposals, Project Priority Listing, and CoC Application.

                                   View the Full Project Listing here & the Final CoC Application for MA 507 here.

view approved MA 507 projects & funding allocations here.

View the Three County CoC's application score, here and the score for the DV Bonus project application, here.

(No FY20 application was submitted to HUD due to COVID-19 determination by HUD that all projects would be automatically renewed) 

View the Final FY19 CoC Application for MA 507 here.

 FY2019 Three County CoC Request for Proposals

FY2019 Three County CoC YHDP Request for Proposals


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