Our Funded Projects
The Three County Continuum of Care funded projects receive CoC program funding for various programs that serve individuals and families who are at risk of, are currently experiencing, or who have experienced homelessness. The projects include: HMIS, Coordinated Entry, Planning, Transitional Housing, Rapid Rehousing, and Permanent Supportive Housing across 11 organizations.
2024 CoC Grant Inventory worksheet
2023 CoC Grant Inventory worksheet
2022 CoC Grant Inventory worksheet
2021 CoC Grant Inventory Worksheet
2020 CoC Grant Inventory Worksheet
2019 CoC Grant Inventory Worksheet
Funded Project Locations
Berkshire County
Adult Independent Living, Construct, Inc.
Permanent Supportive Housing, Louison House
Louison House Transitional Housing, Louison House
Northern Berkshire PSH, Louison House
Franklin County
A Positive Place, Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Permanent Supportive Housing, Making Opportunity Count
Gandara SHINE YHDP TH-RRH, Gandara Center
MHA RRH Navigators, Mental Health Association, Inc.
Hope for Home PSH, Mental Health Association, Inc.
Hampshire County
A Positive Place, Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Permanent Supportive Housing, Making Opportunity Count
Paradise Pond Apartments, Way Finders, Inc.
Village Center Apartments, Hilltown CDC
Housing the Disabled Homeless, Independent Housing Solutions
More About the Projects and Agencies
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Projects
Village Center Apartments - Hilltown CDC (5 units)
Among its stock of rental housing, Hilltown CDC operates five units that are CoC-funded PSH. The units are located in the Hilltown region of Hampshire County and consist of some family units and some individual units, which have a priority for Veterans. As required, Hilltown CDC offers supportive services to all program participants.
A Positive Place - Cooley Dickinson Hospital (14 units)
A Positive Place provides confidential and comprehensive HIV care and prevention in Hampshire County and surrounding areas. This program includes 14 units, serving both individuals and families. To be eligible for this program, at least one household member must be living with HIV and/or AIDS. The beds are scattered throughout Hampshire, Franklin, and Hamden County. The program offers a range of supportive services for all program participants.
Paradise Pond - Way Finders, Inc (4 units)
Paradise Pond Apartments, built and operated by Way Finders, Inc, consist of 12 units, of which four are CoC PSH units for formerly homeless families. The apartments are located in Hampshire County. Way Finders, Inc. helps connect program participants with supportive services in the area.
PSH - Louison House (10 beds)
Previously run by Center for Human Development (CHD), Louison House has taken on 10 PSH beds in Berkshire County. These beds consist of congregate living beds, shared apartments, and single units. Louison House offers a range of supportive services to all program participants.
PSH - Making Opportunity Count (34 beds)
The MOC PSH program has 34 beds and is operated by Making Opportunity Count. These beds are scattered throughout Franklin and Hampshire Counties, and consist of congregate living beds, shared apartments, and single units. MOC offers a range of supportive services to all program participants.
Northern Berkshire PSH - Louison House (11 units)
Northern Berkshire PSH program is operated by Louison House in North Adams. The program has nine units, serving individuals and families. All units are located in North Adams, Berkshire County. Louison House offers a range of supportive services to all program participants.
Housing the Homeless Disabled - Independent Housing Solutions (16 units)
IHS serves 16 individuals with severe medical or mental health service needs in one building in Northampton, with onsite services. All units are accessible and provide both medical and social service coordination.
Transitional Housing (TH) Projects
Louison House TH - Louison House (22 beds)
In addition to their PSH program, Louison House also operates a CoC-funded transitional housing program. The Louison House TH program has a maximum bed capacity of 22, serving both individuals and families. The beds are located in a single building in North Adams, Berkshire County. Louison House offers a wide range of services for all TH participants with the goal of attaining safe and affordable permanent housing.
Adult Independent Living - Construct, Inc. (10 beds)
In addition to the Program Reach program, Construct also operates a CoC-funded transitional housing program. The Adult Independent Living program consists of 10 beds, serving individuals with some set-aside for youth and youth adults. The beds are located in two separate TH sites, located in southern Berkshire County. Construct offers a wide range of services for all TH participants with the goal of attaining safe and affordable permanent housing.
Youth and Young Adult Housing Projects
YYA TH/PSH-RRH - DIAL/SELF, Inc. (10 beds)
The TH/PSH-RRH program is a transitional housing and rapid re-housing hybrid program, called a "Joint Component" program, operated by DIAL/SELF, Inc. The program serves youth and youth adults in Franklin and Hampshire County. The program consists of 10 slots which are offered as either a transitional housing bed or medium-term voucher. The transitional housing beds are located in Franklin County. The vouchers, including Section 8 and MRVP vouchers, are subsidized through the Franklin County Regional Housing Authority.
Youth and Community Services-Rapid Rehousing Project, DIAL/SELF, Inc. (4 beds)
4 YYA beds for individuals with supportive services which will include trauma-informed case management addressing health, mental health, education and employment to support YYA moving on to their next steps. Young People can be housed in this program for up to 2 years.
Joint Component Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing Project Gandara Center (6-12 beds)
Short-term Transitional Housing for up to 6 young families or individuals and 12 medium-term Rapid Rehousing beds prioritizing young families with supportive services, including education, employment, health, and mental health support, as well as trauma-informed case management with a move-on strategy.
Housing Navigator/Rapid Rehousing Project Mental Health Association, Inc. (6-12 beds)
Housing navigation services for up to 60 YYA and connection to short-term housing resources for up to 6 beds annually, for up to 2 years.
Permanent Supportive Housing Project Mental Health Association, Inc. (8 beds)
Long-term housing and services for YYA with disabilities, serving up to 8 YYA annually that include individualized case management support.