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Point In Time (PIT) Count​

January 2025

This page was last updated 1/10/2025 

Information for how to get involved in the Point In Time Count

This page is for persons in Berkshire, Franklin, and Hampshire Counties who are looking to get involved in the PIT Count.

PIT Count Planning Meeting​

Please consider attending our planning meeting on Tuesday January 14th from 10:00 to 11:30 AM on zoom!

Access the meeting at that time through this link:

We will be discussing logistics and answering questions about the PIT Count.


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When will the PIT Count take place?

The designated night that will be counted is Wednesday January 29th, 2025.

Persons who experienced homelessness can be surveyed about where they slept on January 29th between the night of Wednesday January 29th through Wednesday February 5th.


What are the steps to participate in the PIT Count?

1. Complete this brief form (only once) to express interest in participating 

2. Complete training by January 22nd - through one of the following options:

3. Prepare to survey

  • People who work directly with persons who may be experiencing homelessness should let clients know about the PIT Count ahead of January 29th, so they know what to expect if they are surveyed up to a week later

  • Become familiar with the Survey tool, and consider how you will handle asking sensitive questions

  • Ensure that you have access to copies of PIT Survey materials

4. Time to count

  • Unless you are conducting outreach in the evening of designated night of the count, you will begin surveying people beginning Thursday January 30th through Wednesday February 5th on where they slept on Wednesday January 29th.

5. Submit collected results to Natalie Burtzos following the instructions listed on the PIT Count Surveys

  • Contact information is listed at the bottom of each Survey Form​​



Survey Forms



Coming Soon

  • Resource Listing by County

  • Survey Guide (quick tips for volunteers)

  • Templates for shelters, safe havens, transitional housing, and motel/hotel voucher providers that do not participate in Clarity HMIS

Information for Warming Centers

Warming centers may play a vital role in helping our communities get an accurate count of persons experiencing unsheltered homelessness in the following ways:

  • If a warming center is in operation on the night of Wednesday January 29th, then persons utilizing the warming center would be considered as experiencing unsheltered homelessness and should be counted in the PIT Count

  • Warming centers in operation between Thursday January 30th and Wednesday February 5th can still survey people about where they slept the night of Wednesday January 29th

Please consider attending training and letting us know that you will be attempting to count some persons utilizing the warming center.


​​Information for Shelters, Safe Havens, and Transitional Housing Providers

Shelters, Safe Havens, and Transitional Housing Providers who participate in Clarity HMIS do not need to take action to survey people the night of January 29th.

However, if your Shelter/Safe Haven/Transitional Housing project is not part of Clarity HMIS, we will request that you collect aggregate data â€‹


Please check back soon for a reporting template for projects not in Clarity HMIS.

​Information for Providers of Motel/Hotel Vouchers

Hotel and/or Motel stays that are paid for by a non-profit or local government organization are considered a form of shelter by HUD. If your hotel/motel stays are not entered into Clarity HMIS, please reach out to receive information on aggregate data we must collect to accurately report sheltered homelessness for the night of January 29th, 2025.


Please check back soon for a reporting template for projects not in Clarity HMIS.


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